
"By her petticoat the woman troubles the man's soul. For surely the WOMAN ENTICES above all, with her gentle frou-frou."

Sunday, February 05, 2006

my comment come entry

Everyone might be busy in their own game of survival. But we soon realize that the only fixation we need to be able to continue on wanting to survive is precisely the entity that you thought

could hinder your existence. Regret is losing what you could have had…while
Letting go is losing what you had…and
Giving up is losing what you never had.

As for me, Hopeful is being content for what you still don’t have, but you might possibly have and you currently don’t wary about whether you have or you don’t…

coz it doesn’t bother you having things change, having time pass and
having heal wounds
as they come.

It is just the way it is and waiting is all I can do for now, so I better be glad in it. So, I linger on…